Buzzweld 06:30 > 14:30 mon> Fri

Zinc Phosphate Oxide Metal Primer



Zinc Phosphate Red Oxide, Black Oxide, Grey Oxide Metal primers

Buzzweld Zinc Phosphate Metal Primer is designed to offer incredible value for money for those seeking a budget alternative to our premium range primers such as Rust Encapsulator. From restoring up a lower value vehicle, to allowing people less experienced to get involved without the fear of ruining a £200+ kit, these metal primers are both very easy to use, repair if necessary, and maintain.


Everyone can get good results without having to be a professional sprayer, all whilst not breaking the bank.

  • matt finish. Can be applied in one heavy, or two lighter coats.
  • Basic paint preparation, and easy to assemble and apply.
  • Easy to repair/ maintain
  • Will not hide corrosion festering behind the coating like a stonechip/ wet wax can.
  • Tough durable finish
  • Fast cure​​




  1. Remove all grease/ dirt and contamination (you may want something like FXDegreaser if its covered!).
  2. Ensure the surface is free of loose material such as loose paint, and flakey rust. 
  3. Prepare the surface and remove or treat corrosion ensuring the surfaces to be coated are dry, dull and rough (not shiny and polished so the direct to metal primer has something to stick to)
  4. Shake the Zinc Primer for two minutes, and pull ring in top of container.
  5. Push gun pickup tube through the seal, and screw on.
  6. Connect to air feed from 50>90psi (in cold weather you may want to warm the containers overnight)
  7. Using the correct PPE, and having masked and prepare the vehicle, spray the chassis.
  8. Allow to cure for 6>12 hours until hard
  9. Avoid water, green laning, or other activites that may strike or damage the coating(s) for 1>2 days depending on weather and temperatures.
  10. For additional Protection/ suitability this kit can be upgraded using Rust Encapsulator chassis paint as a direct to rust primer, and / or W.A.R as a top coat